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DPAW’s Unleash the PAWsibilities

 Area Youth Visual & Literary Arts Contests

Celebrating the People-Pet Bond


2021 Themes – Animals, Our COVID Companions Year 2


Pets & wildlife bringing us comfort & joy during the long quarantine




Celebrating the end of quarantine with our animal friends




Jurors from art & literary fields for 3 age groups


Ages; 5-9  10-14  15-18


Visual Art


2 dimensional (flat), any media/style, mixed media, no larger than 9x12




poetry, short story, lyrics, letter, descriptive, essay limited to one page



ALL contestants entered into a prize pool raffle


Enter BOTH VISUAL & LITERARY CONTESTS to increase your chances!


Winners also receive trophies


Submissions accepted from July 6th thru August 6th



Submission Sites


Wareham Free Library                                                                       Soule Homestead Educational Center

 Children’s Room                                                                                                        Little Free Library Shed

 59 Marion Rd, Wareham                                                                                         46 Soule St, Middleboro

 Mon. thru Sat. 9:00 to 5:00                                                                                        Daily sunrise to sunset



Music of the Bay                                                                                                                          Decas School

 42 Holt Rd. Buzzards Bay                                                               Cafeteria doors/Summer Lunch Program

 Mon. thru Thurs. 1:00 to 8:00                                                                                       760 Main St, Wareham

                                                                                                                              Mon. thru Fri. 10:30 to 12:00


Onset Bay Association

 196 Onset Ave, Onset

 Wed. thru Fri. 11:00 to 2:00


Submissions become the property of DPAW


Family Celebration August 20th @ 4:30 on Decas School grounds.  Rain date August 27th .


Late Summer Gallery of all entries


Wareham Main St Post Office     WCTV On Demand


Questions & Contest info



2021 Submission Sites


Event Flyer




Registration Form



Sign Up To Be A Volunteer!

We Cant Do It Without Your Help!

You will be put on our distribution list for updates and contacted about events! 

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